Spaces and facilitation for inner exploration and healing.

Partnerships for individuals and collectives who are seeking warm-hearted support in navigating life, spirit and the in-between.
Deep Coaching

A 75 minute heart-centered and spacious call to freely explore your inner world in service of your own transformation.

Together we go beneath the daily drama and solution-seeking to experience shifts in being, gradually coming closer to your authentic self.

Learn more about Deep Coaching here

75 minutes via phone
No preparations or prior experience needed
Sliding scale - pay what makes sense
Healing Breath

A 90 minute breathing journey for relaxation, introspection, and release of inner tension.

The journey is catered to your needs, blending various methods of conscious breathing.

Online or in-person
No preparations or prior experience needed
Sliding price - pay what makes sense to you
Shifts in being package
11 sessions

A combination of breathing journeys and Deep Coaching sessions to experience shifts in being and somatic release, with the intention to live closer from your authentic core

Online or in-person (coming soon)
No preparations or prior experience needed
Sliding price - pay what makes sense to you

Request a free call to discover how we might partner up to support your journey

Transformational Facilitation & Consulting
Transformational Communication
Coaching & Mentorship
Retreats & Experiences


Hello friend, I'm Hampus, founder of Between Elevens.

I was born in Sweden and currently split my time between Stockholm and Charleston, SC, USA with my wife, Samantha.

For about 10 years, I've ventured into the realms of change leadership, contemplative practices, and coaching. Amid the ups and downs of life, I enjoy creating spaces for inner exploration and healing.

I teach Deep Coaching at the Center For Transformational Coaching, support organizations with various projects, and engage in a few entrepreneurial ventures. Feel free to reach out for a chat about anything and everything, or to explore how we might collaborate together.

Coaching with Hampus is like being in a field of possibility. I feel such peace and calm, like lying down on cool grass, held by the space he creates — even when the topic is not easy. His incredible light + energy is so open for exploration, as he asks questions that take me further into the topic, pauses for my experience, and moves me forward into greater understanding. I go into spaces I haven’t been before each time we coach together, and uncover what hasn’t yet been healed and released. So grateful for his gifts, so grateful for my expanded life
Executive Leadership Strategist and Spiritual Life Coach
Working with Hampus is a privilege and a gift. He guides you into your own wisdom and he has an ability to bring you into depths and truth by just asking the right questions and giving you enough space to get there yourself. With Hampus by your side it will never feel like someone else told you what to do, he will only help you connect to the inner wisdom that already resides within you.

There might be coaches out there that will motivate you and inspire you and that might work for some time, but the only fulfilling and lasting results will come if you yourself tap into what it is that you want and wish to bring to this world. Hampus will be the person to help guide you into these parts and truths.
Jesper Brodén
Yoga Teacher and
Founder Brahmaki
I am so grateful for the support and guidance that Hampus contributes with through his coaching. Our conversations always land in clarity, direction and a sense of confidence. I appreciate his unique ability to listen and see what is important and pure
Linnéa Vesterlund
Social Entrepreneur,
Co-founder Pachama
Hampus opened something new and exciting inside of me.
Life-changing experience.
Patrick Wallén
Owner & CEO Kapitalanalyser, Solcellsbolaget
Anytime we talk I step away enriched. Hampus helps you get a taste of your true life.
Petter Wannerberg
Research Engineer and VR Developer, Research Insitute of Sweden

Previous collaborations for reference

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